Archive for May, 2009


Follicularly Challenged

I happen to be bald. But, basically, so is almost every other guy in Israel. Seriously. If you live here or if you’ve ever visited, you know I’m right. Israeli bald men outnumber those with hair. What happens to most of us, usually a few years after the army, is a slow migration southwards of hair towards the chest, shoulders and back.
tipusiBut balding is genetic, right? So why is it when I compare the situation of men here to the scalps of my Jewish brethren in the diaspora, mainly the U.S. and U.K., I can’t help but notice that they seem to be much more follicly healthy? In fact, Homer Simpson is probably a much more acurate portrait of the typical Israeli figure than that of homo-suburbia found in America. 
I talked about this issue recently with a friend of mine, and we both weighed in on the reasons. She thought it was most probably the dry, hot weather. We could always blame it on the “matsav” – I mean, who wouldn’t? Or maybe it’s all that hummus. A good bet would be all those antennaes we serve next to while in the military. I don’t know. I tend to believe it has to do with the drinking water. They obviously put too much of something in there.
I’m thinking of starting a Facebook page, for all us bald Israelis. I know it’ll be a hit. But I won’t do it for the ratings, or for the fame. No, we have to get down to the bottom of this. Our children, and children’s children depend on us. What we really need is an official Commission of Inquiry, one that has real teeth to punish those responsible for this crime. 
I want to see heads roll.
And they better be bald.

How I beat Web 2.0

Since Thursday I’ve been conducting an extremely important experiment: Can I survive without Facebook, Twitter and my favorite websites for 3 days? The reason: To avoid early discovery of who won American Idol.


I admit it, and I’m not ashamed to say: I love the show. Call me shallow, call me lame, call me whatever. It’s a good show. Period.

But it’s shown in Israel 3 days after the broadcast in the States. Which means, that if I wanted to keep it a surprise I would have to avoid sites that might give the results away. The only thing I did was check my Gmail. It was tough. I caught myself subconsiously dragging the mouse pointer to the Facebook link more than once. But all along I knew my efforts would not go unrewarded – the glam-rock, tongue-flashing, full of himself Adam Lambert lost to the humble, harmless Kris Allen. (Although I was rooting for Allison).

So yes, it can be done. I know, we’re all addicted to Web 2.0 – but it can be done.

Wait…  who am I fooling… I love Web 2.0!!!!


shhhhhhhhhh sheket…

For all of those who need some peace and sheket

May 2009

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